Restaurants (Outremont)
Some places in the list have symbols next to them, the means that it is a recommanded place, the means that there is a photograph of that place and the means that the place's fact sheet contains a link to their web site.
Lester's (Deli Smoked meat, $)
La Moulerie (Seafood Breakfast and brunches, $$)
Chez Leveque (French , $$)
Le Bilboquet (Ice cream , $)
Le Paris Beurre (French Bistros, $$$)
La Hacienda (Mexican , $$)
Tonerre de Brest (Breton , N/A)
Piazzetta (Pizza places , $$)
Pizzaiolle (Pizza places , $$)
Pendeli's (Pizza places , $)
Léo le Glacier (Ice cream , $)
La papaye verte (CLOSED) (Vietnamese , $$)
Le Vaudeville (CLOSED) (French Bistros, $$)
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