About this guide
About Montreal
Preparing your trip to Montreal (1)
How to get to Montreal (2)
What you must know once here (3)
 •• What you shouldn't miss
 •• Everything you must know
 •• How to get around
 •• Where to get more free information
What you must do before leaving (4)

Montreal restaurants, hotels, bars, museums and much more.
From Old Montreal to the Plateau and Chinatown, all the information in this guide divided by neighbourhood with maps.

Street maps
Public transit
Consulates (ambassies)

Other more Montreal.com services

Here is a little bit about bus lines :
  • Bus drivers don't make change or sell bus passes, so be sure to have a ticket, pass, or the exact change before getting on the bus. You can buy passes and tickets at metro stations and most convenience stores (aka dépanneurs).
  • LOCAL BUSES : Local buses are numbered 10 to 249. They have regular service 7 days a week.
  • EXPRESS BUSES : Express buses are designated with a 400 number in green. They run during the morning and afternoon rush hours and make fewer stops. Some make use of express bus lanes.
  • NIGHT SERVICE : These buses are designated with a 300 number and run after midnight 7 days a week.
  • SHUTTLE BUSES: Shuttle buses are designated with a 700 number. There are only a few, their destinations being the P.-E. Trudeau Airport, Old Montreal, the La Ronde amusement park (on Île Sainte- Hélène) and the Montreal Casino (on Île Notre-Dame).
  • SCHEDULES : Bus schedules are available at the Berri-UQAM metro station where a STM office is located. Or you can check online here

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Last update: 01/02/2024

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