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  1. Center for the Physics of Materials - McGill
  2. Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine (CAMBAM) - McGill, "a multi-university centre for the study of complex biological rhythms."
  3. Centre for Intelligent Machines - McGill
  4. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
    Adresse: 527 Sherbrooke St. West Montreal, Québec H3A 1E3.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
     Région: Île de Montréal
  5. Computational Geometry Lab at McGill
  6. CRIEM / CIRM, "centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en études montréalaises".
    Adresse: 840 avenue du Docteur-Penfield (Pavillon Ferrier, salle 332), Montreal, Québec H3A 0G2. Tél.: 514-398-3960
      Voir l'inscription complète de CRIEM / CIRM
     Région: Île de Montréal
  7. IASL - McGill University, "the Institute of Air & Space Law."
  8. Institute of Parasitology, "home page of the Institute of Parasitology, part of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of McGill University."
  9. McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, "one of the largest scientific communities in North America dedicated solely to research imaging of the human brain."
    Adresse: 3801 University Street Montreal, Québec H3A 2B4.
      Voir l'inscription complète de McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
     Région: Île de Montréal
  10. Meakins-Christie Laboratories, "the centre of respiratory research at McGill University."
  11. Minimum Cost Housing Group - McGill
  12. Office for Science and Society, "the McGill Office for Science and Society is a unique university-based venture dedicated to the promotion of critical thinking and the presentation of scientific information to the public, educators and students in an accurate and responsible fashion."
    Adresse: 801 Sherbrooke St. W. Montreal PQ H3A 2K6.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Office for Science and Society
     Région: Île de Montréal
  13. Photonic Systems Group - McGill University, "l'objectif du groupe de recherche est de développer et d'implémenter des technologies d'interconnection optique à l'air libre basées sur l'utilisation de pixels 'intelligents' tout en développant des modèles théoriques permettant de simuler le fonctionnement de 'fonds de paniers' photoniques utilisants des telle interconnections".
  14. Projet de Motoneige Électrique de l'Université McGill / McGill University Electric Snowmobile Team
  15. (N)Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC), "biomedical Research Institute, based at McGill University Health Centre hospitals and affiliated with the McGill Faculty of Medicine".
    Adresse: 2155 Guy Street (Suite 500) Montreal, QC H3H 2R9.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)
     Région: Île de Montréal
  16. Réseau Protéomique de Montréal / Montreal Proteomics Network (RPMPN), "a network of over 75 researchers whose goal is to identify, localize and characterize every protein in every organelle of the mammalian cell. Proteomics focuses on the identification, localization, and functional analysis of the protein make-up of the cell."
  17. Sable - McGill, "Advanced Compilers, Architectures and Parallel Systems Lab."
      Voir l'inscription complète de Sable - McGill
     Région: Île de Montréal

  18. The TRansportation and Air Quality (TRAQ) research group, "we are interested in research that bridges between transportation and air quality modelling. Our focus is on transportation and air pollution in Cities both at the metropolitan scale and at the neighborhood/street level."
  19. Transportation Research At McGill (TRAM), "group of researchers, faculty members and students whom their work is mainly directed towards conducting research in the transportation planning and operations field."
    Adresse: 815 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC 815 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H3A 2K6 H3A 2K6.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Transportation Research At McGill (TRAM)
     Région: Île de Montréal
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