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  1. Concordia Arts and Science Faculty
  2. Département d'informatique - Concordia / Computer science department - Concordia
  3. Département d'ingénierie électrique et électronique - Concordia
  4. Département des mathématiques et statistiques - Concordia / Math and statistics department -Concordia
  5. Department of Art History - Concordia
  6. Department of Contemporary Dance - Concordia University
  7. Department of Creative Arts Therapies - Concordia University, "the program is designed to offer intensive preparation for a high level of professional competence in the use of the visual arts for therapeutic, preventative [...], and associated research purposes."
  8. Department of Psychology - Concordia
    Adresse: 7141 Sherbrooke West Montreal, QC H4B 1R6.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Department of Psychology - Concordia
     Région: Île de Montréal
  9. Faculté des Beaux Arts - Concordia / Faculty of Fine Arts - Concordia
    Adresse: 1515 Ste. Catherine St. West (EV 2.781) Montreal, Québec H3G 1M8.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Faculté des Beaux Arts - Concordia / Faculty of Fine Arts - Concordia
     Région: Île de Montréal
  10. Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science - Concordia
    Adresse: 1515 Ste. Catherine St. W. Montreal, QC H3G 2W1.
      Voir l'inscription complète de Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science - Concordia
     Région: Île de Montréal
  11. John Molson School of Business, "the principal external web site of the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal , one of the top business schools in Canada, leader in management education and research, offering both undergraduate and graduate programs in commerce and administration."
    Adresse: Downtown Downtown .
      Voir l'inscription complète de John Molson School of Business
     Région: Île de Montréal
  12. John Molson School of Business - Concordia University
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